The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening


This trusty blade is your main weapon.
This will protect you from arrows and stones.
Power Bracelet:
Lift heavy objects and pull levers
Magic Powder:
Sprinkle this on things and different things will happen.
Roc's Feather:
This feather lets you jump over pits and avoid attacks.
Sleepy Mushroom:
The Witch can make Magic Powder out of these mushrooms.

You can shoot arrows with this bow.

Hook Shot:
You can pull yourself toward the object it attaches to.
Magic Rod:
Light lanterns and burn enemies.
You might find treasure under soft soil.
Blast holes in walls, and attack enemies.
You can play the songs you've learned on this.
You can swim and dive with these flippers.
Yoshi Doll:
Secret Medicine:
When you die, your hearts will be fully restored.
Gold Leaves:
Trade these in for dungeon keys.
Secret Shells:
Collect a lot of these and you can get somthing special.
Shows all the rooms in the dungeon you found it in.
Shows the nightmare's room, and unfound treasure chests.
Nightmare Key:
You need this to enter the Nightmare's room.
Small Key:
Use it to open one locked door in a dungeon.
Stone Slabs:
If you find a fragment, put it in a stone slab to get a hint.
Tail Key:
Slime Key:
Angler Key: Bird Key: Face Key:
Heart Piece:
Every four you collect gives you a new heart container.
Heart Container:
These are the measurements for your health.
Thunder Drum:
Full Moon Cello: Conch Horn: Sea Lilly Bell:
Surf Harp: Wind Marimba: Coral Triangle:
Organ of Evening Calm: